Alternative title(s): | Ar Tonelico : The girl who sings at the end of the world |
Released in: | 2006 |
Genre(s): | Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Sci-fi |
Status: | Completed |
Rating: | 5/5 |
Ar-Tonelico is an anime based on the PS2 RPG Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia. Ar tonelico takes place in the world of Sol Ciel, which literally translates to \"Sun Sky\" in Latin and French, respectively, but means \"Shining Sky/World\" in the game\'s own language. The world consists of the living Tower of Ar tonelico and the Wings of Horus, a landmass connected to the lower portion of the Tower. Each section of the world above and below The Wings of Horus is designated with a specific name. The lower world is known to for its small towns and is not considered to be very technologically advanced. The upper world is very advanced, and the Floating City of Platina is even considered to be a holy sanctuary by the Church of Elemia from the lower world.
The Tower exists at the center of the world and is made from technology that was available prior to the world-destroying catastrophe known as the Grathnode Inferia. There is little land left after the two catastrophes of the past, so people have become increasingly dependent on Ar tonelico. The Tower functions much like a computer program, and is susceptible to viruses, which are emerging at an alarming rate to wreak havoc on both the upper and lower worlds.The world of Sol Ciel is inhabited by two main races: Human and Reyvateil. Reyvateils are a manufactured race who were originally created to maintain Ar tonelico. They are designed to resemble humans in every way except for their lifespan and their ability to communicate with the Tower. All Reyvateils are female regardless of their birth history.
There are three different types of Reyvateils. Reyvateil Origins are the original Reyvateils who were created with a specific purpose in mind. They have a perfect connection to the Tower. They are considered the parents of all ֲֳ²-type and Third Generation Reyvateils because the lower class Reyvateils are in some way related to them.The second type, ֲֳ²-type Reyvateils, are clones of Reyvateil Origins. They are mortal, though they still live significantly longer than humans; approximately 150 years. The last type, Third Generation Reyvateils, are born from relationships between humans and Reyvateils. Due to the strain that the power of Ar tonelico puts on their bodies, they tend to have naturally short life spans of only 14 to 20 years[6]. There is a life-extending agent called Diquility that can only be produced by the Church of Elemia (ֳ£ג€ֲ¨ֳ£ֶ’ֲ«ֳ£ֶ’ֲ»ֳ£ג€ֲ¨ֳ£ֶ’ֲ¬ֳ£ֶ’ֵ¸ֳ£ג€ֲ¢ֳ¦ג€¢ג„¢ֳ₪ֲ¼ֵ¡, Eru Eremia-kyoukai?) and the Tenba Conglomerate , but it must be applied every 3 months, and the cost of obtaining it is prohibitive. Consequently, many Third Generation Reyvateils choose to join one of the above-mentioned organizations in order to obtain Diquility for free
The OVA is set at a time when one of the characters, Orica is saddened over her inability to fulfill her role as a Lavateil, or one who can control magical powers through singing Hymns, Laina\'s airship comes crashing down upon her from the sky. Both of them search for an engineer to repair his airship, meeting Cruze. In the process, Laina inadvertently teaches Orica that the key to singing a successful Hymn is to want to help others from the bottom of one\'s heart.
Episode 1